Vojin Rakić

Vojin B. Rakic (1967, Belgrade, Serbia) is a political scientist and philosopher.[1] He publishes in English, but also in Serbian. He has a PhD in political science from Rutgers University in the United States.



In 2002 Vojin Rakic became a Special Adviser of the United Nations to the Government of Serbia, primarily in charge of public administration reform. During his work as a Government's adviser Rakic worked closely with Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, who was assassinated in 2003 by rogue elements of the Serbian secret police that were still loyal to ousted President Slobodan Milosevic.

Rakic was also a senior research fellow and adviser at the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) of Twente University in the Netherlands.

He is the author of a variety of books and articles from the domain of philosophy and political science. They include A Theory of the Normative Will, History and Future of Justice and Hegemony, Culture and Human Resources in Politics. In History and Future of Justice Rakic advances the teleological thesis that the purpose of history is the gradual development of justice, and that the 'end of history' will be marked by a condition of perfect justice. A topical book influenced by History and Future of Justice is The Evolution of God, published in 2009 by Robert Wright.

Vojin Rakic spent much of his life in the Netherlands, the United States, the Czech Republic and Italy. He is fluent in Serbian, English, Dutch, German, and has a functional knowledge of French and Italian. Currently he is a university professor in Belgrade.


- Rakić, V. (2010). A Theory of the Normative Will. Belgrade: Center for Ethics, Law and Applied Philosophy and the Faculty of Economics and Political Science.
- Rakić, V. (2004). History and Future of Justice. Belgrade: Faculty of Organizational Sciences and VVMZ.
- Rakić, V. (2003). Hegemony, Culture and Human Resources in Politics. Belgrade: United Nations Development Program and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences.
- Rakić, V. (2006). Liberalizovanje Srbije: Politička elita koje nema i socijalna psihologija autodestrukcije. Beograd: Centar za razvoj liberalizma i Fakultet za menadžment BK Univerziteta.
- Rakić, V. (2004). Kraj istorije i liberalizacija srpske ideje. Beograd: Fakultet za menadžment BK Univerziteta.
– Rakić, V. and Milenković, D. (2005). Slobodan pristup informacijama i javna uprava. Beograd: Yucom.
– Rakić, V. (co-author). (2004). Transition Report – Serbia and Montengro. Belgrade: Institute G-17.
– Rakić, V. (co-author). (2003). Putokaz za Evropu: Preporuke za budući razvoj srpske javne uprave. Beograd: UNDP i Vlada Republike Srbije.
– Rakić, V., ed. (2003). Functional Review of the Serbian Ministry of Health. Belgrade: UNDP.
– Rakić, V., ed. (2003). Funkcionalna analiza. Beograd: UNDP, Civil Service Council.

Selected articles

- Rakic V, Bojanic, P. (2011). “Bioethics in Serbia: Institutions in Need of Philosophical Debate”. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 20 (3): 440-448.

- Rakic, V. (2011). “The Moral Identity of Europe: From Warfare and Civil Strife to ‘In Varietate Concordia’”. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law . DOI: 10.1007/s11196-011-9218-9 on-line first.

- Rakic, V. (2010). "Eticki i politicki aspekti kognitivnog poboljsanja coveka". Treci program 147 (3): 237-244.

- Rakić, V. (2010). “Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason as the Key for a Comprehension of Kant’s Cosmopolitanism”. Theoria 53 (1): 5-19.

- Rakić, V. (2010). “The Political Hypnosis of the Owl of Minerva”. Godišnjak Fakulteta političkih nauka 4 (3): 49-76.

- Rakić, V. (2010). "The Moral Foundations of Europe in the Upcoming World Order". Srpska politička misao 29 (3): 53-64.

- Rakić, V. (2010). “The Future of Morality and International Justice”. Filozofija i društvo 21 (1): 19-30.

- Rakić, V. (2009). “From Biology to Ethics: the Future of Evolution as Humanity’s Path to Juctice”. Theoria 52 (3): 37-47.
– Rakić, V. (2009). ”Kant and Cosmopolitanism in International relations”. Human Seucurity 17 (1): 19-31.
– Rakić, V. (2009). “Rawls and Habermas on International Relations: Political Morality as Moral Politics”. Filozofski godišnjak 22: 21-35.
- Rakić, V. (2009). “Why the Number of Liberal States is Increasing: A Kantian Addition to Michael Doyle”. Godišnjak Fakulteta za političke nauke 3 (3): 97-107.
– Rakić, V. (2009). ”Kant i Rols: od večnog mira do statusa kvo u međunarodnim odnosima”. In: Moć, rizik i zaštita – uvodjenje u nauke bezbednosti, ed. Vladimir Cvetković. Beograd: Fakultet bezbednosti
- Rakić, V. (2009). “Are Justice and Peace Coming Nearer?: A Contemporary Account of Kant’s Views on the 'Ethical Commonwealth' and 'Perpetual Peace'”. Glasnik za društvene nauke 1 (1): 86-92.
- Rakić, V. (2008). “Family, State and Utopia”. In: Hegel – Gender Relations, Civil Society and the State, ed. Lynne Montgomery. Beograd: Liber.
– Rakić, V. (2006). “Privatni univerziteti u Srbiji i Bolonjska deklaracija - takmičiti se ili sarađivati”. In: Bolonjski proces i visoko obrazovanje u Srbiji. Beograd: Cicero.
- Rakić, V. (2006). „Bologna in a Nutshell: Šta moramo znati o Bolonjskoj deklaraciji“. In: A šta ćeš ti da studiraš?. Beograd: Oivivio Consulting.
- Rakić, V. (2004). Human Resources Management in the Serbian Public Administration System. NISPACEE news 11 (2): 9-10.
- Rakić, V. (2004). Public Administration Reform in Serbia. NISPACEE news 11 (1): 14-16.
- Rakić, V. (2003). “The Issue of Human Resources in the Project ‘Strengthening Central Support Functions in Serbian Ministries’”. South East Europe Review, 2003. (01+02), pp. 179-186.
– Rakić, V. (2002). “Novo okruženje za javni menadzment u Srbiji: uloga funkcionalne analize”. Pravni informator 7-8, god. V.
– Rakić, V. (2002). “Evropska integracija i visoko obrazovanje: kretanja prema konvergenciji i njen uticaj na Srbiju”. Javna uprava 1 (1): 63-80.
- Rakić, V. (2002). “Public Management in a New Environment in Serbia – the Role of Functional Review”. In: Management in a New Environment.
- Rakić, V. (2002). “Regional Implications of a Transition: The Case of Serbia”. In: Southeast European Security: Threats, Responses, Challenges, ed. Albreacht Schnabel. Huntington, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
- Rakić, V. (2001). “Converge or not Converge: The European Union and Higher Education Policies in the Netherlands, Belgium/Flanders and Germany”. Higher Education Policy 14 (3): 225-240.
– Rakić, V. (2000). “The Serbian Transition: An Explosive Cocktail of Politics and Culture”. Acta Politica 35: 322-339.
- Rakić, V. (1998). "Theories of Nation Formation and Case Selection: The Meaning of an Alternative Model”. Nationalities Papers 26 (4): 599-614.


  1. ^ "Vojin Rakić : Srpska duša i nove biotehnologije" (in Croatian). Glas Javnosti. 19 December 2001. http://arhiva.glas-javnosti.rs/arhiva/2001/12/19/srpski/D01121810.shtml. Retrieved 17 September 2011.